6 DIY Chic Halloween Costumes
If you're not in the mood for witch or sexy kitten (the only two choices for women), these are 6 Chic Halloween Costume ideas made from pieces straight from your closet. If you don't, however, already have any of the necessary clothing items, then please do allow your Halloween costume to also be a wardrobe investment, because friends don't let friends buy one-night-stand costumes.
1. If you don't want to be a square, then be Mia Wallace (Pulp Fiction).
2. Little Red Riding Hood: What a wonderful way to justify buying a dramatic red coat.
3. Dorothy: If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I shouldn't look any farther than my... red flats.
4. If you want to be scary this year, try being Joan Cleaver.
5. Chic Freddy: Because when else could you wear that hat with those gloves and get away with it?
6. Clarice (Silence of the Lambs): If you choose this one, you must also whisper all night: The lambs were screaming...